services and libraries like Google Play Audiobooks, Kobo, Nook, Libby/Overdrive and Scribd. The benefit to being exclusive to Amazon is that you will receive higher royalty rates as discussed below. The benefit to non-exclusive distribution is that your book will be available at many more reta...
Since ACX is an Amazon brand, you can use single sign-on with your Amazon account if you’re an existing Amazon user. If you don’t have an Amazon account, you will be prompted to create one at sign-up. If you decide to publish your audiobook with ACX you will need to proveyou ha...
Somemedia playerslet you use audiobooks' built-in bookmarking capabilities to follow along with a book that takes hours to finish. Follow these simple steps to learn how iTunes can join multiple audio files together to create an audiobook with chapters: Open your music library by choosingMusic ...
In our webinar on self-publishing, hybrid-published Now Novel coach Romy Sommer talks about the importance of specifying keywords and categories when uploading a digital book to Amazon. The same process applies for audiobooks. Look through the categories to get an idea of how your chosen platform...
Luckily, if your books are purchased from those mainstream book stores, like Amazon/Kobo/Nook/Google Play Book, etc, and their books usually come with DRM protection, there’s one powerful eBook DRM Removal as well as eBook Converter you should know – Epubor Ultimate. If you want to know...
5. Audiobooks WithAudible, anyone can create and self-publish an audiobook on Amazon throughAudible’s Audiobook Creation Exchange. Similar to KDP, once you upload your audiobook, it will be available to purchase and download for all Audible customers. ...
Browse top sellers on Amazon to understand readers’ preferences — that will help you to start selling ebooks that will actually get read. How to Write an Ebook that Sells Once you’ve found the perfect topic for your ebook, use these tips to guide you through the writing process and cre...
2. Pros and Cons of TTS to MP3 Plugin TTS to MP3 plugin allows you to select which of the ebook's content files you want to create MP3s from. So you can decide which part of the book you don't want to be created as an MP3. Compared to audiobooks recorded by professional artists...
As soon as you activate WooCommerce, it will launch a setup wizard where you can type in an address for your store, the industry where your store operates, and the type of products you plan to sell. Since we want to create an Amazon affiliate store, you don’t need to worry about con...
How to write an ebook for beginners Create your own ebook today with Fiverr FAQs for creating an ebook Find an eBook Writer for Hire JJenny Top Rated I will ghostwrite a rhyming childrens story for your kids book 4.8(460)From US$50 NNayma Level 2 I will find amazon KDP profitable niche...