问题: 在 Revit 中创建墙分隔缝时,提供的轮廓数量是有限的。 如何在 Revit 中创建和添加自定义墙分隔缝轮廓? 原因: 可用选项取决于项目中载入且可用的分隔缝轮廓族。 大多数现成项目均已载入一个标准分隔缝族,其中包含可用于分隔缝功能的默认轮廓,如项目浏览器的“族
For instance, if you create a new wall in Revit of a wall family "Basic Wall", and choose the type "Wall 1", then yourIfcWallwill byisTypedByanIfcWallTypewith the nameWall 1. In IFC nomenclature, this is the proper place you should store the human referrable name. For instance, w...
問題: Autodesk Revitで壁の造作材にビューフィルタを適用する方法を説明します。壁の造作材に規則によるフィルタを作成する方法を説明します。 原因: 現在のバージョンのRevitでは、ビューフィルタダイアログで壁の造作材を直接見つけることはできません。 解決策: ビュー
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) requests from Revit workstations and Revit Server Accelerators must be allowed to pass through the firewall to the Revit Server Hosts. The procedure for installing an instance of Revit Server is the same regardless of whether that instance will host central...
So, we're using Revit at our office, and it puts a bunch of unnecessary *_backup and *_temp folders on our network. Sometimes the * ends with whitespace, and sometimes it doesn't, so we end up with things like "file_backup" and "file _backup". The issue that I'm having is ...
if I set the 3d view section box to one of them directly it works well, but here is a new problem when I try to combine all the bounding boxes by getting min & max points (x,y,z) and create a new bounding box to include all wanted solids then I miss the tr...
Solved: I want to create a Reflected Ceiling Plan by using the Xrefed floor plan. How to make the doors turn off and show as headers in in a floor
A New Smart Future Showroom / pc-|< Paolo Cesaretti arch Messico&Nuvole Flat / Davide Beretta Studio Garage Terrace House / YoshiArchitects Iwakura House / ALTS Design Office Clay Pavilion / ReVærk Deta Wall Panel | Mikodam Structural Masonry...
When dimensioning a wall, wall opening height can be included in the dimension line with the openings height parameter. Doors and windows have more parameters related to their geometry. There are rough height and width parameters in window/door families
One of our major planning activities was merging our individual Revit templates to create a project template. We mostly used the standards we developed and documented in our BEP, but we did run into some issues that we hadn’t considered. For instance, we had to figure out how to handle ...