npm install --save something-needed-to-run npm install --save-dev something-only-for-dev Run scripts Run scripts can be run with npm run <script_name>. They are shell commands that run in your system shell (e.g. bash) "scripts": { "build": "tsc", "clean": "rm lib/*", "star...
Whenimport <pkg>in typescript, typescript will analysispackage.jsonof the imported package, and look fortypesfield.typesfield specify the type definition file of the package. So, when you create your own package with types, don't forget to specifytypesfield inpackage.json. As forexports.types...
If I replace import figlet from 'figlet' with import figlet from 'figlet/lib/figlet.js' my code works, but TypeScript complain that there are no types for this import. Is there a way to map 'figlet' types into 'figlet/lib/figlet.js'? The types for @types/figlet have this code: dec...
Runningnpx gts initwill also add helpfulnpmscripts to yourpackage.jsonfile. For example, you can now runnpm run compileto compile your TypeScript project. To check for linting errors, you can now runnpm run check. Note:Installing TypeScript before installing GTS ensures that you have the most...
npm run-script run Install on the local machine with; npm install -g . View the current installed packages on the local machine; npm list -g | grep adligo Uninstall the package; npm uninstall -g Summary of Publishing your CLI tool Create an account...
Often happens to me that I publish an NPM module that is working in one context but makes strange errors in others. For example, itworks in create-react-appbut it doesnot in ts-node. Or it works everywhere but it makes problems in build. Despite it is just a pure function that does ...
Finally, let's add a build step to execute the Typescript compiler by editing package.json and adding a build script: "scripts": { "build": "tsc", "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" }, Let's try it out: $ npm run build You should see a new folder...
You can clone it and step by step create your own NPM package and publish it. It is simple React counter. Live Demo Installation: npm install my-react-typescript-package --save-dev or yarn add -D my-react-typescript-package Usage : Add MyCounter to your component: import React from '...
npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli Or via yarn: yarn global add @graphprotocol/graph-cli Step 2: Initialize a New Subgraph Next, we will create a new subgraph. Navigate to The Graph Studio, connect your wallet, and click Create a subgraph. For our tutorial, we'll...
Building a Frontend using React and wagmi To kick-off development, let's open a terminal window and run the following command to create a react project called wagmi-project and install the required dependencies: npx create-react-app wagmi-project && cd wagmi-project && npm i wagmi boo...