You’ll also need to have or create a GitHub account. You can do so through the GitHub website,, and can either log in or create your account. As of November 2020, GitHub removed password-based authentication. For this reason, you will need to create apersonal access tokenor ...
First, create a public GitHub repository to host an action called gradle-github-action. Next, push the changes to the main branch and tag the changes with the tag v1. git add -A git commit -m "initial commit of gradle action" git tag -a -m "My first action release" v1 git push...
Click on + icon at top right of the page and select New Repository. A Create a new repository page opens. In the Repository name field, enter the username of your GitHub account. After entering the username, GitHub displays a message describing that you’re about to create a GitHub speci...
In theTags In GitHubtutorial, we discussed the option of creating the release from tags in GitHub. To view, open the tags list in GitHub (Refer Tags In GitHub). Moreover, the option to create a release will be available to the right of the tag name. Press the highlighted button that ...
I would like to create a repository that correctly represents the stages of development. My plan Create a new repository and initialize it using the oldest snapshot folder. Make commits by replacing the old folder with the next more recent snapshot folder, while keeping the hidden....
原文地址:How To Create A GitHub Profile README GitHub最近更新了一项新功能,它可以让用户创建一个可配置的README来在他们的Githb个人主页中突出展示。本文来探索一下怎样使用这项新特性。我也会分享我看到过的的一些有趣的Github个人主页。如果你在Twitter @waterproofheart上与我分享自己的作品,我会很喜欢。
We are using automated Docker hub builds to create our application images automatically whenever new commit is pushed to github. That works well when we manually change the tag on docker hub. Now what we want is to create the image tag automatically as git commit sha so that we can pull ...
Next, clone the repo by opening the terminal on your computer and running the command: gitclone<YourUserName>/demo Once the repo is cloned, you need to do two things: Create a new branch by issuing the command: ...
How to Create a Static Framework for iOS There are a few constraints that we want to satisfy when building a .framework: Fast iterative builds when developing the framework. We may have a simple application that has the .framework as a dependency and we want to quickly iterate on development...
Using the Git push tag command can be cumbersome in the command line. See how easy it is to create and push a Git tag to your remote with the GitKraken Git GUI.