根据前句The first is to start early.Some students leave all their work until the last few days of the summer表示"首先是早点开始。一些学生把所有的作业都留到夏天的最后几天",可知表示"结果,他们对没有足够的时间感到恐慌"的选项D符合前后的语境,leave all their work until the last few days of ...
How to create a study schedule -summer study routine学习计划,这样制定更容易实现! The first to start early . Some students leave all their work until the last few days of the summer. 首先应该早点开始,有些学生总是拖延到暑假结束前几天才开始做作业。
and I don’t claim that it will. It’s simply what has and continues to work for me. Of course, if you struggle with similar problems, it’s up to you to seek help and talk to a professional, especially before making any serious changes ...
If you have a study guide or a textbook with review sections,use it to narrow down what you list.如果你有学习指南或者课本有复习板块的内容,那你可以用来缩减所列出来的内容。Reserve time for reading,and reviewing your notes.Reserve time to create exam study guides,if you ’ll need them.预留...
It's our regular study habits, such as sticking to a routine, keeping weekly and monthly study targets, and taking regular tests, that help us excel.正是我们平时如坚持例行公事、保持每周和每月的学习目标,并定期进行测试等的学习习惯,会有助于我们变得出色。How, then, can you build good study ...
Create a routine to keep you focused and motivated Creating a routine to keep you focused and motivated is important. A good routine will help you stay on track with your studies, but it’s also important that the routine works for you. If something doesn’t work for you, try another on...
Create a Study Schedule One of the biggest things that has helped me stay on track is making a study schedule. At the start of each week, I sit down and plan out when I'm going to do my homework, study for tests, and work on projects. I put it in my calendar and treat it like...
Good habits can be part of your daily routine. But if we don’t have those habits, how can we create them? According to a study published by the European Journal of Social Psychology, it takes an average of 66 days to form a new habit. However, relying only on determination may not ...
6.daily routine /ruːˈtiːn/ 例行公事,日常琐事 7.form /fɔːm/ 养成(习惯) v. She had formed the habit of giving herself freely to men. 她已养成了随意委身于男人的习惯。★形成 An idea formed in his mind. 一个想法在他的脑子里形成了。The stars must have formed 10 to 15...
'thank you'. good habits can be part of your daily routine . but if we don't have those habits, how can we create them? according to a study published by the european journal of social psychology, it takes an average of...