Now when you think about personal achievement, it does create, sometimes, this experience of coherence, because we achieve within a framework. I understood what they expected of me for tenure. I understood that if I got...
when it comes to the topic“How to live a meaningful life”, the opinions are divided. In someone’s eyes, they agree that a meaningful life is just a comfortable life which means they can enjoy themselves as possible as they can. 享受存心义的生活这或许是我们每一个人共同的梦想。当我们讨...
How to Actually Create Meaningful Life Changes This Year (1) By Leo Babauta At the beginning of each year, many of us are filled with renewed optimism at making the life changes we’ve always wanted to make. It’s...
有信仰 belief,也可以是人生观和价值观view of life, view of value,比如助人为乐find pleasure in helping others.有份安身立命的工作以及能力。a stabale job and ability.找到适合自己的兴趣爱好。hobbies fits you.
如何有意义的生活Howtoliveameaningfullife(大学英语作文) 文档信息 主题: 关于“外语学习”中“英语四六级”的参考范文。 属性: F-0WLZFV,doc格式,正文1505字。质优实惠,欢迎下载! 适用: 作为文章写作的参考文献,解决如何写好实用应用文、正确编写文案格式、内容摘取等相关工作。 正文 如何有意义的生活Howtolive...
It'snotamatterofcircumstancebutofchoice. Choosetolivealifethatmatters. SevenWaysToMakeYourLifeMeaningful: 1.Followyouraspirations.Sometimesweconfuseaspirationswithpersonalgoals,buttheyarecompletelydifferent.Aspirationsaretheanswertothequestion:“WhatdoIwanttogivetheworld?”Whereaspersonalgoalsaretheanswertotheques...
Among all the , one is "how to live a meaningful life?" . As the saying goes. "The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it. " I cannot agree with it more. If one spends all his life , he will surely feel fruitless and meaningless when he gets ...
Brian S. Lowery: How to live a meaningful life | TED Talk 生活妙不可言,令人惊叹不已。我们所拥有的经历,个人取得成就的种种可能性,都让人憧憬。你可以登顶珠穆朗玛峰,可以创立一家规模庞大、经营成功的企业,还可以登上 TED 演讲台。当你取得成功时,那种感觉棒极了。成功带来的兴奋感、庆祝活动,都让人...
作文一:My colorful college life what can you do to make your college life colorful describe the ideal university life when I was in high school I once dreamed of a good life in college.I said to myself,I will do many interesting things to make the next few years full of ...