Step 1: Draw a bell curve and shade in the area that is asked for in the question. The example below shows z > -0.8. That means you are looking for the probability that z is greater than -0.8, so you need to draw a vertical line at -0.8 standard deviations from the mean and ...
Thevertical line testis a simple way to figure out if you have a function. You could also use to “many to one” rule: Is a function: “many to one“. This is saying if you have multiple x-values that map to one y-value — say, (2,9), (3,9) and (6,9) — then that st...
Simply put:a Cartesian plane is just a number line with another number line at right angles. TheCartesian planematches a point on the plane with a pair of numbers located on the x and y axes. Each point on the plane has a unique set of numbers, calledordered pairs. The first point yo...
“myopia with astigmatism” could be described as ρ cos 2(θ). This description doesn’t quantify the aberration: in order to so that, you would need the complete Rx, which describes both the