you can either use a definition file or the command line to create a new one. For example, here is how to create a Cron Job that outputs an echo command every minute:
apiVersion:batch/'[ { "name": "init-myservice", "image": "busybox", "command": ["sh", "-c", "until nslookup myservice; do echo waiting for myservice; sleep 2; done;"] }, ...
next, we’re specifying that we want to create a pod to hold your application or cloud service; we might specify instead a deployment, job, service, and so on, depending on what we’re trying to achieve. next, we specify the metadata. here we’re specifying the name of the pod, as...
ocrunmy-job--overrides='{"apiVersion":"v1","kind":"Pod","spec":{"containers":[ {"image":"busybox","name":"mypod","volumeMounts":[ {"mountPath":"/path","name":"configmap"} ] } ],"volumes":[ {"configMap":{"name":"myconfigmap"},"name":"configmap"} ...
4.1 —Create a managed nodegroup running on On Demand EC2 instances to install Jenkins application. Note: the creation of the managed nodegroup jenkins-server-ng to utilize On Demand EC2 instances. The nodes in this nodegroup are identified with node-labels :lifecycle=OnDemandandintent=jenkins-...
This repository now has the new GitHub Discussions enabled: Please create a new discussion to ask for any kind of support, which is not a Bug or Feature Request. k8s version: 1.17.3 d...
MPI Operator - makes it easy to run allreduce-style distributed training on Kubernetes. MXJob - provides a custom resource to run distributed or non-distributed MXNet jobs for training and tuning. PyTorch Operator - provides the resources to create and manage PyTorch jobs. TFJob Operator -...
When writing classic cron jobs in Unix, it’s obvious how to test the job- just manually run the command specified in the cron file. However, it’s not as obvious how to do this in Kubernetes. We encountered this problem not long ago while setting up a daily PostgreSQL backup job for...
A Kubernetes CronJob must contain theapiVersion,kind, andmetadatafields. It must also contain thespec.schedulefield which defines the time interval for the CronJob. The time interval syntax for a Kubernetes is the same as Linux system Cron jobs. You can refer to theHow to Use Cron and cron...
Create a Kubernetes CronJob Create and Deploy a Docker Container Image to a Kubernetes Cluster Deploy a Kubernetes Cluster Using kubeadm Deploy a Linode Kubernetes Engine Cluster Using Pulumi Deploy a Linode Kubernetes Engine Cluster Using Terraform Deploy a Static Site on Linode Kubernetes Engine Deplo...