While the weighted mean center diagram aggregates the galaxy of tornadoes into a discrete path, sometimes it’s helpful to show the map reader a bit more. This small multiple layout lets a person wander through the seasonality of this phenomenon at their own pace, allowing them to make their...
A public health department wants to create a respiratory health risk index to highlight environmental injustices. To do this, the analyst can run theCalculate Composite Indextool multiple times to create an index with multiple subindices, in which the first run of the tool creates subindic...
• Use newmap when you want to create a map in a specified projection. • Use mapaxes when you want advanced control of the map, or when you want to include the map in an app. You can change aspects of the resulting map axes, such as the projection or the appearance, by ...
An environmental protection department wants to create an air quality index to inform public policy and the public about pollution. They collect data from monitoring stations corresponding to criteria pollutants. An analyst can run thetool to combine the individual pollutant indicators into a sin...