There are a lot of things to draw on a chalkboard. They’re not only used in classrooms but also in stores, cafes, and homes for writing, decoration, and self-expression. Though chalkboards have been around since the 19th century, many chalkboard users don’t really know that they have ...
Using an orbital sander, go over all the areas where tile will be applied to smooth out any high spots and create a more tactile surface for applying mortar (Image 2). Clean up any residual dust with a vacuum cleaner or tack cloth (Image 3). H. Camille Smith H. Camille Smith H....
See how to create a painted chalkboard on your wall. Ace’s Design Expert Katie Reynolds shows you how to bring organization into a kitchen or office space with very little time and no artistic ability. Ace Hardware August 29, 2016 Paint ...
7 Ways to Create a Home You Love 4th of July Decor in the Living Room 4th of July Porch Decor – Red White and Blue Summer Pillow for the Front Porch Rope Wrapped Candle Holder – Thrifty Style Team Patriotic American Flag Toothpick Wreath ...
Measure the wall to work out how much paint you will use – magnetic chalkboard paint comes in really small posts. In our room, the space was a 1 / 1.5 metre sized patch of wall so we figured one can would be OK. However, we did four did four coats in the end which used two of...
and a fun tutorial on how you can make a super simple chalkboard using a super cheap thrift store frame! First up- the dining room. The last time I really talked about our dining room was this post where I showed the giant chalkboard wall I painted there. I went to re-read the post...
With simple supplies like a bike wheel, paint stick can lid, weights, and a clock kit, you can craft a unique clock with vintage yardstick hands. Learn to attach and balance the hands, and even personalize the clock face with Roman numerals on a chalkboard background. This project is not...
Modifying your home to create a peaceful and inspiring environment can pay huge dividends in terms of productivity and learning. Here are some tips to create a homeschooling environment where you and your child will thrive.
In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create achalkboard vectorwith some gradients, a bristle brush, and some freebies from Vector Mill! The tutorial is relatively simple and can be applied to many other Illustrator projects. Final Image ...
You need just a small piece of cardboard to create a base for your wings, and larger pieces for the wings. Draw a wing shape onto a piece of cardboard and then cut it out. You need to make two of these, so flip that first one over and trace it onto the cardboard to cut out ...