The Bee Book shows you step-by-step how to create a bee-friendly garden, get started in beekeeping, and harness the power of honey for well-being. Fully illustrated with full-color photographs throughout, this beautiful guide covers everything you need to know to start your own backyard hiv...
Plant a Bee-Friendly Garden While a nicely manicured lawn that’s free of dandelions and clover may look neat, it is not the most optimum habitat for bees. That’s partially why unstructured yards that rely heavily on local plants to create a “cottage garden” effect have become...
People plant a great number of young trees in the mountains.When the trees grow big and tall enough, they are cut down by workers and carried out of the mountains to the paper mill where fine paper is made from wood.Then it is taken to every corner of the country and used for differe...
How To Create A Bee-Friendly Garden | Organic Gardening Tips And Ideas How To Build A Root Cellar For Your Homestead Fellow homesteaders, do you want to help others learn from your journey by becoming one of our original contributors?Write for us!
Once you find out that these methods are working, plant a honeybee nest. For this, implant a hollow stem in your garden in a shady, less windy corner that’ll not be disturbed. Also, place the bee nest in an area where it gets early morning sun exposure. This helps the bee to go ...
You don’t need a large property to create a meadow planting. A curbside strip, slope, or other sunny spot is all that’s necessary. Here are some tips to get you started.WHAT IS A MEADOW GARDEN?There are no hard and fast rules for what defines a meadow garden. These areas consist ...
Whether you have a big backyard or a just few pots on your patio, you can create a pollinator garden. These tips and ideas will help.
Another vital step in making your garden kinder to the environment is getting rid of any harsh chemicals. Whether you’re using pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or chemical fertilisers, finding natural alternatives is a great way to create a much healthier and eco-friendly garden. ...
The most obvious need for available honey bee food is where there are the most honey bees. This happens when bees from nearly even where in the U.S. arrive in California beginning in mid to late Fall and continuing right up to bloom time in the almondorchards. Mam. maybe most, leave ...
Create repetition. Put in more than one rain garden for repetition and continuity. If it works with your overall design, create a little rain garden for each downspout. Or add other water features around your yard such as a fountain, birdbath, or waterfall to repeat the water theme, which...