Solved: So I some data in a power bi that comes from an outside datasource (not excel) so dont have the option to edit in power query becuase it is
Come back to the “Report” view now.In this “Report” view, we will create a dashboard now. First, insert the title bar for the dashboard. Next, go to the “Home” tab, click on “Shapes,” and choose the “Rectangle” shape....
Power BI is a Business Intelligence tool developed by Microsoft, released in the year 2014. The main intent of this analytical tool is to provide the best visualizations to our data and help create customized Power BI dashboards and reports and share insights. Power BI is feature-packed and ...
Welcome to Power BI December 2021 updates. This time Microsoft has released one new feature called “Sparklines” for tables and Matrix visual in Power BI. During this article, we will try to understand the “Sparkline” concept in detail. So, let’s get started! What is Sparkline? Sparklin...
As great as this sounds, we still need to get to grips with the technical side of the equation. Learning how to create a dashboard in Power BI can be an alien concept if you don't know where to go, but this is why we're going to break it down for you in simple an...
Power BI settingsUse the settings in the table below to control workload behavior. Settings with a link have additional information that you can review in designated sections below the table.Expand table Setting NameDescription Max Memory (%)1 The maximum percentage of available memory that ...
Radial gauge charts in Power BI - Power BI Learn how to create radial gauge charts in Power BI Desktop and Power BI service. Tutorial: Create your own measures in Power BI Desktop - Power BI Learn how to use measures in Power BI Desktop to help you perform calculations on yo...
A dashboard is also known as a canvas; in Power BI it is a single page that contains the highlights of the story through visualization. I hope you already read thearticle, in which I covered all the fundamentals. Here in this article you will learn how to create dashboard in Power bi...
Power BI函数(2) DAX中计算列与度量值的探索:从Excel视角出发 前言:DAX作为一种功能强大的函数语言,其代码高度封装,导致直接阅读或反向工程化变得困难,仿佛在操作一个无法透视的黑箱。不过,我认为掌握DAX的工作机制到一定程度是可能的,尤其是通过理解其底层逻辑。本系列文章记录了我个人从零初学DAX开始,如何快速把握...
For example,buttonClickedis an event emitted by a Power BI report when a user clicks a button in the report. You can listen to the event by usingreport.on(...), and then set an event handler. An example of how to handle an event ...