You can easily print index cards in Word 2013, regardless of the card size you need. Using Word's custom page size option, you can set up a document to print on any size card, including 3x5, 4x6, 5x7, or 5x8.
Not all labels are compatible with full-bleed designs so make sure that you are using the right template with print-to-the-edge labels. A quick way to check if you’re using the right template is to check if your design extends into the “bleed” area past the label trim line in the...
You can type, or hand-write- Many students like to type their schoolwork. Two copies of each writing template are included in the kit; a blank copy and one with printed lines, so you can choose to either type or hand-write your report. Supplies You will also need these ...
So what do you do if you can't afford to professionally promote your record (or can't interest any Publicists or Radio Agents because they've never heard of you and don't want to have to create interest in you out of thin air)?