There are two methods to summoning Queen Bee. The first is creating the Abbemination and using it in the Jungle biome. To craft the item, you need to have a bottled jar of honey, five hives, five honey blocks, and a stinger on you. After that, you can prepare the item by item. ...
Struggling with how to beat Plantera in Terraria? Following this guide can help you prepare for the terrifying Hardmode boss.
Spooky Twig - a crafting material used to craft Spooky Wings. Cursed Sapling - a pet item which, when equipped, will summon a Cursed Sapling pet to follow you. Witch's Broom - a mount which, when used, summons a broom which allows the player to fly infinitely. Only drops on Expert or...
Skeletron: Find dungeon entrance located underground then speak to Old Man NPC inside Dungeon Destroyer: When entering the Hardmode phase, craft a Mechanical Skull using 15 Souls of Sight and 15 Souls of Might dropped by killing nearby enemies. Twins: After defeating The Destroyer drop Mechanism ...
How to get them: Acquire a dye or an item to craft a dye. Also, players must defeat a Pre-Hardmode Boss. What they do: Trades dyes for Strange Plants you can find. Also sells the Dye Vat. Name: Dryad How to get them: Kill a boss other than King Slime or Wall of Flesh. What...
The Moon Lord in Terraria is the game's final boss. However, the road to summoning this Hardmode is fairly long and challenging.
Done! Once he's dead, he drops Souls of Might, which can be used to craft Excalibur, Megashark, and other useful items.. Community Q&A Question What would be an easy way to kill the twins? (Terraria Mobile) Eviscerated Community Answer When dealing with Retinazer, get as close to...