This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft an amethyst shard with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, an amethyst shard is an item that was added in the Caves & Cliffs Update: Part I (Minecraft 1.17). An Amethyst shard is an item
It's actually a fairly easy thing to craft, it doesn't require any rare materials so it shouldn't be too much trouble to create. The necessary materials are two sticks, one stone slab, and two planks. Then, on the crafting table, you'll have to place the two sticks on the top ...
Another thing about lush caves is that they usually spawn near Amethyst Geodes. An amethyst geode is an underground feature that houses Amethyst Clusters and blocks, as well as Smooth Basalt and Calcite. Players looking to harvest Amethyst Shards to craft Calibrated Sculk Sensors and other Amethyst...
From your inventory, you can craft the snowballs into a block. To obtain a jack-o-lantern, use a pair of shears on a pumpkin. Pumpkins can be found around villages, as well as any biome that has grassy areas. Related: Minecraft: Best Things Added In The Caves And Cliffs Update ...