but you’ll need to go throughPillars of Creationto get one ingredient. For that same ingredient, you need to fight level 15 enemies, so make sure you’re similar or higher level. You also need to unlock the Alchemy Station to craft the spell. ...
Like everything you craft inEnshrouded,the Eternal Spells have resource requirements you need to meet. Selecting any of the Eternal Spells you’ve learned provides a detailed list of what you need to collect to craft one. It’s also important to pay attention to the level of the spell. I ...
ThreeDirt. Recipes that use Wood Acid inEnshrouded Wood Acid is needed to craft Nitrate. Screenshot by Dot Esports Now you’ve unlocked the Blacksmith, the Charcoal Kiln, and Wood Acid, you can craft the latter and use it to make essential items like: Antiseptic(must have an Alchemy Stati...