A Compass is a navigation tool that can help you to reach your world spawn point. It is extremely handy in Minecraft, especially if you like exploring the world. In this post, we will see how we cancraft a compass in Minecraft.
How do I use Minecraft maps? How to craft Minecraft maps To make a Minecraft map you need nine pieces of paper and a compass. The compass should be in the middle of the crafting table, with paper surrounding it in every other available slot. You can make paper with sugar cane, which...
you will see in the Overworld, they have a few different uses. These light sources were added to the game after the big update to The Nether and can be used to keep certain Nether creatures away from that area. Here is how to craft a Soul Torch in Minecraft and what to do with it...
How do I craft a Minecraft lectern? Building a Minecraft lectern is fairly simple, as long as you have some wood and a couple of bookshelves. The main thing you need is wood slabs, which you can make by placing three wood planks across the middle slots on the crafting table. To make ...
How to craft a Mace inMinecraft AMacecan becraftedinMinecraftusingone Breeze Rodandone Heavy Core. You need to put the Heavy Core in the second tile on the top of the Crafting Table and the Breeze Rod on the middle tile of the second row, which is also the middle of the crafting page...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft shears with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, shears are one of the many tools that you can make. They are used as scissors to cut items off in the game such as wool, leaves, vines, cob
We're here to help you find outhow to craft comparators in Minecraftand where to use them. This guide is laid out in a step-by-step manner, so you'll learn everything you should know easily even if you're a beginner. Let’s get started!
On the surface,Minecraftis a very simple game. Break down trees to get wood, use that wood to craft tools, and then mine the land for resources to build houses, bridges, and whatever construction projects come to mind in thisblocky procedurally generated world. This simplicity is a part of...
How do you make a new anvil if your old anvil breaks in Minecraft? If the old anvil breaks down or reaches its limit, users need to create a new one. The whole process, from getting resources to crafting a new Anvil is mentioned above, so if you want to craft a new anvil, check ...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft a clock with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, a clock is one of the many tools that you can make. Let's explore how to make a clock.