Make them stop using Ugandan Knuckles. Seriously, that meme died ages ago. Find everybody that still supports Ken Penders and break their kneecaps. Get rid of the toxic Chris Thorndyke fans, as they are nothing but a bunch of heartless monsters who bash on random people who simply despise ...
Also, breathing is really important with many kinds of prostate massage – make sure that you take deep and long breaths, allowing your body to feel all the sensations of the massage as you slowly inhale and exhale your breath. Try to be as mindful as possible with your breathing; it’s ...
Not even when his lips brushed over her knuckles. He watched her eyes close, her lips part – “Nor ver ch’ah, vah bta rect’tin’ecot,” she mumbled. Just kiss me. He let go of her hands, yanked her forward, and did just that. Damn feeling, damn passion, it damned him to ...
to breathe Rap my knuckles 'til they bleed A river deep If I had sharp claws I'd get on all fours and scratch your back for free But it's been written, these nails are bitten I know what I could be I see my body float like leaves Every day I want to breathe Rap my knuckles ...
The sound your knuckles make when they “crack” comes when you pop tiny bubbles in that fluid. If you do it all the time, you’re more likely to have swollen hands and a weaker grip over time. It doesn’t seem to raise your chances of arthritis, though. 2/14 Bite Your Nails ...
… pick it up then use the back of your hands, particularly your knuckles, to stretch it while turning it around (remove all sharp jewelry first) – kind of like pizza dough. Stretch a little further. When the dough gets bigger and thinner, and thus difficult to handle, put it down on...
Proper bagwork is nothing more than good punching with good body movement. It’s so simple and yet done incorrectly so often. The cause is the natural tendency to want to punch as hard as possible. Throwing hard looks good and feels great. A loud *crack* sound rewards you for every pow...
Unfortunately, this isn't the first time I've had broken foot or spent time in a walking boot. Today I'm sharing my tips on how to survive and make life easier - especially during the first few weeks, which are key.
I have my father’s large knuckles and a big wood-carving-accident scar on my left paw. I do not need these facts further immortalized. Please don’t tell me you’ve actually hang that up in your home, either. You look at your own hands a thousand times a day, I don’t understand...
Glasses—there’s still plenty of people who hate the idea of going under the knife, when it comes to their eyes—and dark eyes with dark circles beneath them, a slightly twisted backbone, and unnaturally prominent knuckles. A programmer, a planner, and a recorder. Another line of ...