Topicalantibioticsare medicines you put on your skin to kill bacteria. Most cuts and scrapes will heal without ointment, but they can reduce scars and help the wound heal faster. If you do use an antibiotic ointment, apply it to your skin one to three times a day and then cover with a ...
if you decide you want to give makeup a try because your dream job requires it or your bestie really, really wants you to wear makeup as her bridesmaid, then that's a choice you can make on your own. When considering wearing makeup as someone who isn't a fan, you'...
Toothless seemed to have gained the large scars on his legs from his battle with the Fighter Razorwhip in the episode "Stryke Out". However these scars appeared to faded over time. Steve Plachuk's shirt from Trollhunters (Tales of Arcadia universe) displays a similar symbol to Toothless' ta...
Best Deadlift guide on the internet. Covers everything from stance to grip. Master proper form, avoid back pain, and increase your Deadlift with these tips.
Earlier concepts, such as Nadder by Nico Marlet and Kathy Altieri, as well as Nadder by Nico Marlet, depicted this species with two pairs of legs. The former had a stance somewhat like a crocodile, as its posture was similar to the crocodile's signature "high walk". The latter has relat...
Follow these steps to keep cuts clean and prevent infections and scars. Wash your hands.First, wash up with soap and water so you don’t get bacteria into the cut and cause an infection. If you’re on the go, use hand sanitizer. ...
The roots emerge from the point, and while they may still germinate if you place them rounded-side-down, the seedling will have to work that much harder to figure out which way is up and which is down. Trust me on this one. Embarrassingly, I learned this lesson the hard way. ...
Acne scars don’t just form on your face. A dermatologist explains how to treat dark spots on your back, chest, legs and arms.
Slow your roll—you’ll have to do some prep work before going to town on your unsuspecting epidermis: Clean up your beard – If you have to do any beard trimming, do it before you start the micro-needling process to keep hairs and dead skin from clogging your pin prick wounds...
Even a fall from a stepladder can cause serious injuries if you hit your head or back on the ground. The most common injuries in ladder accidents include: Foot fractures, Broken legs, Broken hips, Back and spinal cord injuries, Head trauma, Facial trauma, Damage to internal organs, Neck ...