app.pyis a web application based onFlaskthat connects to a Redis data service. The linevisits = redis.incr('counter')increases the number of visits and persists this value in Redis. Finally, aHello Worldmessage with the number of visits is returned i...
GISGroupe Interventional Speciale(Italian Counter Terrorism Unit) GISGeographical Imaging Software GISGeneral Investigative Section(Canada RCMP) GISGeeky Internal Stuff(databases) GISGunbound International Server(gaming) GISGroup Interference Suppression
Keep chopping the steak with the spatula and flipping it to make sure it’s all well browned, and the onion is browned and softened. As soon as the onions are done — if the steak was sliced thin enough it should be done before the onions — scoop everything into a pile about twice ...