Here’s a quick and easy way on how tocounterAlistaras Lulu. The following tip works whencounteringAlistarSupport. For starters, don’t try to poke Alistar with Q. Instead, level up Lulu’s W and E. To be effective, use W on the enemy ADC as soon as Alistar engages and shield your...
junglers could do. Similarly, WeiXiao did this for the AD carry position, actually using abilities like Ezreal's Trueshot Barrage to further control minion waves and the map at large, leading to a stronger understanding of not only how AD carry could be played, but League of Legends as a ...
└└ I don’t know why they picked Yasuo. KZ focused on top. FW focused on bot. It was Ezreal so they were able to withstand. If it was another ADC, the bottom snowball would have been severe. Ezreal was the key pick. Khan was rather quiet. Cancell...