This generic formula can be used to count unique values with Or logic. It means, it will count if any of the condition is true. So yeah guys, this how you count unique values in a range on multiple conditions. This is a little bit complex but it is fast. Once you start using it,...
The tutorial looks at how to leverage the new dynamic array functions to count unique values in Excel: formula to count unique entries in a column, with multiple criteria, ignoring blanks, and more. A couple of years ago, we discussed various ways tocount unique and distinct values in Excel...
How to Count Unique Values With the COUNTA and UNIQUE Functions in Excel Steps: Navigate to cellF5and insert the formula below into theFormula Bar. =COUNTA(UNIQUE(C5:C24)) In this example, theC5:C24range refers to theActorcolumn. Formula Breakdown UNIQUE(C5:C24) →Returns the unique values...
Finding Distinct Text Values: You can use the following formula to count unique text values in Excel: =SUM(IF(ISTEXT(range),1/COUNTIF(range,range),””)) To apply this formula, follow these steps: Step 1:Select an empty cell where you want to display the distinct count. ...
Follow the same steps as in the first method to apply the filter. Applying the COUNTIF Function: After filtering the entire dataset, you can use the COUNTIF function to count unique values within the filtered column. The formula to achieve this is: =(COUNTIF($C$5:$C6,$C6)<2)*1 ...
How to count unique values in column in Excel Count the number of unique values from a list of a column using the array formula The syntax for counting the number of unique values from a list of a column using the array formula is as follows: ...
Show values that only appear once The third argument of the UNIQUE function is exactly_once, and it’s optional. If TRUE is entered, Excel extracts only values that appear exactly once within the array. To get this result in the example below, the formula entered is: =UNIQUE(A2:A8,,TR...
Here I have sample data. In range A2:A11 I have some numbers that contain duplicate values. I want to get unique values from this range. I will simply use the UNIQUE function of Excel 365. =UNIQUE(A2:A11) This formula simply returns all unique values from the range. ...
=SUM(IF(COUNTIF(A2:A10,A2:A10)=1,1,0)) Further on in this tutorial, we are going to discuss a handful of other formulas to count unique values of different types. And because all those formulas are variations of the basic Excel unique values formula, it makes sense to break down the...
Count Unique Values with an Excel Formula To count only unique values we have to combine several Excel functions. First, we need to check if each value is a duplicate, then we need to count the remaining entries. We also need to use an array function. If you're just looking for the a...