Complete Sentence: It ate all my vegetables. That rabbit hopped right out of the garden gate. Then I saw its furry tale escape through the bushes! Now that you know how to correct sentence fragments, give it a try! Example Problems for Correcting Sentence Fragments Example 1: Which of ...
You can use a grammar checking tool likeProWritingAidto catch yoursentence fragmentsand see different ways to correct them. Some sentence fragments are really difficult to identify, such as “Looking forward to seeing you.” ProWritingAid can do the hard work for you and ensure you don't ove...
Often a run-on sentence can be fixed by making one clause subordinate. If that doesn't work, break the run-on sentence into two sentences. I am hungry. You are hungry. We went to the store because you wanted to go to the store. Coordinating Conjunctions It is possible to have two in...
Error #7: Sentence Fragments Sentence fragmentsoccur when you write a sentence that doesn't include a subject, a verb, and a complete thought. If you've forgotten to include a subject or a verb in the sentence, that means your sentence is incomplete. That's why we call it a fragment—...
How to Fix Sentence FragmentsMark Pennington
•Waystocorrectsentencefragments: •byjoiningittoanothersentence; •bysupplyingasubjectandapredicate; •byrewritingthepassageinwhichitoccurs. •Asubordinateclauseshouldnotbewrittenasacompletesentence. • 例 There are many ways to know the society. For example by TV, radio, newspaper and so on...
Use the expressions in the boxes to complete the sentence fragments in the right column.Then match the two parts of each sentence.the storm calms down escape from danger wave after wave survive the moment(1) DThe area was being hit by(2) CBecause of this,all the athle...
How to Write a Grammatically Correct Sentence How to Combine Sentences to Create Compound Sentences Sentence Fragments A fragmented sentence is somehow incomplete; it either misses a subject or verb or the idea is not fully formed. Sentence fragments confuse readers and can cause them to question ...
How to Write a Grammatically Correct Sentence How to Combine Sentences to Create Compound Sentences Sentence Fragments A fragmented sentence is somehow incomplete; it either misses a subject or verb or the idea is not fully formed. Sentence fragments confuse readers and can cause them to question ...
How to Fix a Sentence Fragment from Chapter 2 / Lesson 6 30K Sentence fragments are incomplete thoughts that cannot stand alone. Review the definition of sentence fragments, predicates, and verbs, and practice correcting different types of incomplete sentences. Related...