You've brought home this cute, adorable puppy and all of a sudden, he or she has turned into a little menace, creating turmoil in your home. Your puppy needs to be taught what he can or cannot do. Before you correct the bad behavior, it will help immensely if you train your dog on...
Apologizing for your own off-track behavior doesn't mean that you don't correct your child when necessary. Don't worry, kids still know who's boss. The sad truth is that most of us feel uncomfortable apologizing, especially to our children. We think we're always supposed to be "right"...
Disrespectful behavior often comes down to kids having poor problem-solving skills and a lack of knowledge about how to be more respectful as they pull away. Often when kids separate from you they do it all wrong before they learn how to do it right. Finding one’s self is a ...
1.尊敬他人最重要 这说的可不是妻子生气时,对你嚷嚷的一首艾瑞·莎富兰克林(Aretha Franklin)歌曲标题。这是童年成长和学习礼貌的重要内容。首先教导孩子不仅要尊重长辈,还要尊重同龄人和自己。不要在长辈面前大声喧哗、对长辈使用合适/正式的称呼,如“是的,女士”,“您好,史密斯先生”等,这些看似是旧习的规矩...
In many ways, this “and what” is correct: you are an ordinary young man with your good and bad moods, high and low amounts of energy. At the same time, living and growing up with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is fraught with difficulties and sometimes serious obstacles...
The bad news? After December 2, the show isn't coming back until March 2016. How to deal with the break? Just use this time as an excuse to wear your own silk pantsuits and storm through every doorway you walk through. Throw a drink at the father of your children's face. Be the...
Instead, praise their efforts to correct their mistakes and help them understand the importance of their actions. This will help them love learning. It will help them develop muscle memory. It will help them avoid repeating the same mistake twice. ...
When your child reaches school-age, they’re old enough to understand cause and effect related to their behavior. Now, this doesn’t mean, “if I do this, my parents will yell at me.” It means knowing the negative outcomes of certain behaviors and how to correct them. For example, if...
It is difficult to recover from hoarding because of the emotional reasons for hanging on to all your stuff. Try these tips for preparing to get organized.
You’re absolutely correct. It would be more effective if you and your husband were on the same page when giving consequences. As James Lehman explains in the article, when kids ...