Devices such as the Herbst appliance, explainsRasch Orthodontics, straighten teeth by correcting jaw imperfections. The Herbst appliance allows the lower jaw to develop in a forward direction which will correct the bite. This enables the upper and lower jaw to meet, which is often what is need...
Braces aren’t always just for cosmetic reasons. More severe problems like an overbite or very crooked teeth can cause serious issues later in life. If your teeth are so crooked, you can’t properly clean between them; you’re at a higher risk of periodontal disease, which can end in too...
PR masterEdward Bernaysalso known as “The Father of Spin” created the PR campaign to sell fluoride to the nation as an additive “recommended by your doctor and dentist for healthy teeth”. He was a pioneer of modern propaganda and used the theories of mass psychology and persuasion to sui...
When retainers are recommended to correct a minor overbite without the need for braces, costs may range from $500 to $1,000. This cost incorporates office visits, X-rays and fittings. If replacement costs aren’t included, the cost of replacement retainers — not covered by most dental insur...
When it senses tension in your jaw due to grinding or clenching, it will deliver an impulse to relax the muscle and stop the behavior. 5 Ask about surgery. Oral surgery is a treatment solution used when orthodontic treatment, such as braces or aligners, do not correct the overbite. ...