Then you have the piggy-back riders, web sites devoted to earning from paid advertising, who mine information, redress it and display on their own web page. Sure, some claim to be writing original content, but where do you think that they get their ideas and research information from? That...
Some websites do not allow readers to copy and paste content on a web page, so what can you do to copy text that cannot be copied? Here, we list seven useful ways for you to learn how to copy text from a protected website or uncopyable windows screen. ...
When website publishers create protected content, they are essentially implementing a JavaScript code that does not allow users to interact with on-page text on their websites. This JavaScript code is, for lack of a better phrase, embedded in the website, meaning that the copy protections remai...
CopySafe Web is the most secure solution for displaying encrypted images and it is the encrypted image that activates the CopySafe plugin when it loads. Consequently any web page can be protected by simply adding a small CopySafe encrypted image and any media displayed on that page will also be...
Here I mean taking steps to actively disable whatever copy protection has been placed on the webpage or image. Two techniques come to mind. DisableJavaScript. Many sites use JavaScript to implement copy protection. Disabling JavaScript disables the copy protection completely. (That happened to be ...
In theory, web page encryption should prevent the location of files linked from a web page. But any encryption based on JavaScript is a useless because the web browser finds the decryption key in the very source that it is supposedly protected. To display the page, the browser needs to decr...
Backing up your site is the only way to ensure you’re protected from losing all the work you’ve put into it. And losing your website can have big consequences. If you have to build a new website from scratch, you lose the time and cost involved in creating an all new site. That...
Your website’s content is valuable, especially if it’s tied to your income. Therefore, protecting it from people who might want to copy and redistribute it without your permission is vital. This will help you maintain your site’s and business’ integrity, and avoid missing out on revenue...
Using Ctrl C or Print Screen to create a screenshot of the page. Using screen capture software to create a screenshot of the page. Most of these options can also be activated by using hotkeys such as "Ctrl C" for copy to the clipboard and so on. But even after disabling menu option...
Please select a license profile on the "Encrypted Website" page and find and copy your encryption parameters in step 4. Configuration in the "Service" section: chunked_transfer_encoding off; #You need to make sure chunked_transfer_encoding is off. ...