How do you save a drawing on TradingView? Once you open a chart, select a timeframe and apply your drawings, it can be saved byclicking on 'Save' and then selecting the 'Save New Chart Layout' option. The latest saved layout will automatically load when the chart of the same scrip is...
In TradingView, the Alt + A keyboard shortcut is used to add an alert. When you press Alt + A, a menu appears with options to add a buy or sell alert, as well as to set a price alert. You can choose the alert type and the conditions for the alert, such as the price level or...
In this pine script tutorial I’ll be showing you how to get started with TradingView scripting for technical analysis and trading strategy development. We will start by looking at how pine script works and a simple example. From there we will move on to inputs and indicators before creating ...
I have acustomwrought iron spiral staircase that requires urgent structural calculationstomeet the city of Santa Barbara's regulations. I possess the detailed drawings and a comprehensive materials list. The specific calculations I need are focused on load-bearing capacities. I also have supplier deta...