Losing friends is part of life and it can be a difficult time to get through. It almost seems worse when the cause of that loss is something that can’t be controlled. For women with depression, symptoms and assumed personality traits can turn others away. Many people attempt to surr...
Out of interest what are you going to say to your friendBBBBMushroom? I agree with a lot of what you are saying but sometimes it creeps up on you and isn’t a conscious choice. My dh used to travel a lot for his work so I was the ...
Indeed, losing a best friend and a family member is genuinely heart-breaking. It’s never an easy thing to face, and coping is never the same for everyone. However, there are things that you can do to help you go through the process of healing and letting go. Remembering your pet and...
While losing a pet is an unavoidable aspect of owning one, there are healthy methods to cope with the sorrow, process your grief, and, when the time comes, maybe even open your heart to some other animal friend. Ways to Remember Your Pet Many individuals find enormous comfort in remembering...
and just spent time with daily is much similar to losing a close friend or family member. Your routines and everyday life are disrupted, but not many people can relate, and you are stuck alone, wondering if you are normal for having these feelings. “I mean, they were just an animal,...
For people who are in love, or who have their very best friend living miles away, it can feel like a little piece is missing from their lives. If you are involved with someone who lives far away, you can, to a great extent, take refuge in Buddha Dha...
This isn’t a problem we need to solve. It’s just how I feel. You’re welcome to ask questions if you like, but I’m not going to bring it up again now that you know.” 2. Be a friend for them if you can When we truly love someone (as opposed to being obsessed or ...
Men have strong intuition, and this could help you realize that you’re close to losing a good woman. You can’t pinpoint exactly what’s happening, but you know something is different with her. It could be the way she looks at you or the atmosphere of your home when you’re together...
Read on to learnhow to deal with griefafter losing a husband or wife. 1. Understand the Stages of Grief Surviving the death of a wife or husband can be overwhelming and confusing. It can leave you feeling lost. Understanding thestages of grief, though, can help you cope with your feeling...
“He was like my closest friend at the time. It’s different… The family aspects that I used to have while he was around in one part of my family, it’s dimmed down a little bit. I don’t see a lot of my family anymore. The family that I was close to that he was connected...