Miklowitz: Well, if it's a very young child, we don't come in with all guns blazing, so to speak. You don't necessarily give the strongest medications. If it's unquestionably bipolar disorder, you're really seeing a kid that needs to be in the hospital, or he or she is suicidal,...
Mybipolar disorderalways lets me know if I’m having friendship problems; it’s a triggered mental health condition. If my bipolar is sent flying and Ican’t sleepdue to worry and stress that my friend is no longer acting as they did in the past, it doesn’t matterwhythey are acting t...
Guertin, LinaFornari, Victor M
It’s possible to learn how to manage bipolar disorder and its symptoms. Here are 10 tips for living successfully with bipolar.
Kim Mills: Up to 4% of people in the US live with bipolar disorder, what used to be called manic depression, but as common as this mood disorder is, it is also often misunderstood and misdiagnosed. Indeed, many people with bipolar disorder wait years bet
Trending Audio Highlights This Week in JAMA March 7, 2025 Can AI Model Predict Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder? Medical News & Perspectives March 7, 2025This Issue Article August 23, 1965How to "Cope" With the Problem Patient JAMA. 1965;193(8):160. doi:10.1001/jama.1965.03090080100080 ...
showing. Some can be Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD),post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD), dissociative disorders, and more.How to cope with grown child with mental illnessis another concern that we all need to address as it’s different from taking care of a child that has a mental ...
How online depression therapy can help with mental health symptoms Although some people might be tempted to avoid online therapy, numerous peer-reviewed studies have demonstrated the efficacy of online therapy for treating depression and bipolar disorder. In a study published in the journal Internet In...
If your feelings persist, you could have an underlying condition that complicates your situation. Bipolar disorder andobsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD) are two conditions that could make it harder to get over an existential crisis. Takeaways ...
People with disabilities often bring valuable and unique perspectives. More from Psychology Today Stress 5 Min Read 10 Ways to Cope With Big Changes Change is inevitable. Here's how to come out of it a better person. Stress 6 Min Read Top Pleasures Might you want to do some of...