Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is characterized by a pervasive occupation for perfection that can affect multiple areas of a person’s life. Talking to a therapist can help.
How to cope with an avoidant attachment style If you relate to these signs, don’t worry – having an avoidant attachment style is not a life sentence. With self-awareness and effort, you can learn to move towards a secure attachment style and strike a healthier balance of intimacy and ind...
It is reasonable to set a time-frame for communication with an avoidant partner. Like, “Can we check in at least once a day?” It’s also reasonable to want to have individual time to oneself, like taking a weekend by yourself to unwind. Communication is important. If the avoidant part...
The aim of the present study was to investigate the use of specific coping strategies by bullied adolescents, taking account of the distinction between pur
people with borderline personality disorder are hyper-sensitive when it comes to the mood and feelings of their loved ones. They can sense the subtle change of mood before the person having them would be able to recognize it.It is all good, but sometimes people like to be left to their ...
Studieshave shown that distrust in anxiously attached people can have a cascading effect, affecting various aspects of their relationship and personality. 4. Guarded emotional expression Emotional openness can feel threatening to someone with anxious-avoidant attachment, so they may avoid discussing persona...
Multiple-choice questions: In order to be awarded CPD units you must answer the following five random questions correctly. If you fail the test, please re-read the article before attempting the questions again Sometimes, psychologists categorise certain coping strategies as being avoidant in nature....
Temperament appears to influence the type of coping style some individuals adopt with more introverted individuals utilising more avoidant strategies. Nevertheless, neuroticism appears to have a stronger relationship with Disconnection and Rejection schemas than coping strategies linked to either avoiding or ...
Being with the right person is a key factor, as not being in just any relationship is important. A good partner is supportive, wants to be a good person themselves, and has goals and aspirations of their own. It’s also helpful to share not just common interests, but goals and values....
Insecure attachment styles stem from adverse early childhood experiences. Whether you're living with an avoidant, anxious, or disorganized attachment style, there are ways to move forward and take responsibility for the behaviors you want to cut out of your life. You can slowly build security by...