t word things quite nicely and he said that i most likely have an aneurysm or a cyst on my brain . i am terrified. i keep looking at my family and telling them i love them. telling them i am not ready to leave them. severe panic attacks and constant anxiety. i can’t wrap my ...
Clinicians doing dirty work may be able to transform their chosen fields, however tainted and stigmatized, into grounds for pride in their expertise and commitment. Sharon Bolton has described the extraordinary moral complexity of nurses on a gynecology unit devoted to failed pregnancies, abortions, c...
Green has an aortic root aneurysm, which was detected in a routine preseason physical with his employer, the Boston Celtics. The diagnosis means that he has failed his physical, voiding his one-year deal with the team, and won't play at all in the 2011-12 season. When doctors deliver t...
The Harry Potter author donated £1 million to charities to support vulnerable people during the lockdown, with half going to help homeless people and the other half going to support victims of domestic abuse. In 2019, she donated a further £15.3 million to the Anne Rowling Regenerative Ne...
Once the diagnosis of cancer was made, he quit calling home. I didn’t have any communication with him after May 25, 2011. That was it. No more talks, no more reaching out, we were receiving texts once in a while. It hurt. It hurt, more than anything else, to be shut out. I ...