When moving to college, your sibling will probably be overwhelmed not only with emotions but with moving preparations as well. They will greatly appreciate any help you can offer: Be supportive and helpful. Help your sibling organize and pack their belongingsHelp your brother or sister sort out ...
12 Alternatives to Full-Time Retirement Ease into retirement at your own pace and in a way that aligns with your interests. Rachel HartmanDec. 19, 2024 What Do Lower Rates Mean for Retirees? Retirees may need to rethink their investments and income plans as interest rates begin to decline. ...
2. Be a friend for them if you can When we truly love someone (as opposed to being obsessed or infatuated) we want them to be happy, even if that means we don’t get to be a part of their life in the way that we would like. You can demonstrate that you love someone by being...
Having a dramatic friend isn't just their issue — sometimes, it can affect your life, too. Here's how to cope with a particularly dramatic friend:
Out of interest what are you going to say to your friendBBBBMushroom? I agree with a lot of what you are saying but sometimes it creeps up on you and isn’t a conscious choice. My dh used to travel a lot for his work so I was the ...
A‘griefcation’ won’t cure the pain you feel after the death of a loved one, but meaningful travels could help you cope. Emma Sparks tells her experience.
Friendship bullying has many similarities with regular bullying, but because it happens within a friendship group, the bullied child may think it’s a normal part of having friends. ‘It can be hard for them to know if it’s just “banter”, especially if their so-called friend is saying...
so for a while but it’ll be comforting for you to have future plans to think about whenever things get really tough soon after the relocation. That way, you’ll have something really nice to look forward to and that should help you cope with moving away to a new place with no ...
Looking at jealousy from another perspective might be a third useful strategy. What's another way to look at jealousy? Perhaps this is your body trying to come to terms with what it has lost. What would you say to a friend who was in the same situation? Would you be...
When you're very overwhelmed or especially tired, don't hesitate to hire a babysitter or ask a relative or friend to help with child care or household tasks. Be clear about your needs, and outsource where you can. How To Set Yourself Up for Good Sleep ...