Reuniting with family for the holidays can bring with it a combination of stressors that may be enough to take you right over the edge of insanity: close quarters, cooking massive meals, the crazy uncle that always brings up politics at the dinner table and your black sheep little brother w...
Another helpful metaphor for these situations is figuring out ways to get back on the beach. This does not refer to taking a vacation on the beach (though that certainly could also be a positive intervention, either inimaginationor in reality), but rather to visualizing getting...
It takes a lot of courage to end a relationship when you both still love each other. Sometimes, it’s possible to get back together later on, when you have both dealt with some of your personal issues that were making the relationship dysfunctional. It’s not helpful to hold onto that...
The construct of dysfunctional cognitions is supposed to be a basis for developing supportive measures for teacher students with low stress tolerance. In the framework of the present study located in the German educational system, teacher students (N = 333) from the special needs areas, including ...
It is important to set boundaries with dysfunctional family members. There are ways to maintain your sense of self and not get pulled into a narcissistic web. Source: Shutterstock/LightField Studios If you come from anarcissisticfamily, meaning a family led by a mother or father...
The effects of toxic parenting and adysfunctional familycan be both physical and mental. Worse, they don’t disappear just because a child grows up. The consequences tend to linger well into adulthood, continuing potential cycles ofgenerational trauma. People grow up in toxic environments often: ...
Whether you are grieving the loss of a relationship with an intimate partner, a close friend, parent or other family member, some sort of emotion will result from the event. Remember that your feelings are valid. You may also feel disconnected from the world around you, according to clinical...
Discussion In this study, we investigated the prevalence of stress and depressive symptoms as well as the prevalence of functional and dysfunctional coping strategies among male and female students in clinical and preclinical training. However, the au- thors wanted to know if and how stress and ...
Unfortunately, the workplace is where people can be difficult, dysfunctional and downright brutish—and you still have to deal with them in a calm and professional manner. Below, we help you deal with 10 types of difficult coworkers. Hopefully this will help your day go a little bit smoother...
The construct of dysfunctional cognitions is supposed to be a basis for developing supportive measures for teacher students with low stress tolerance. In the framework of the present study located in the German educational system, teacher students (N = 333) from the special needs areas, including ...