Stardew Valley: Everything You Need To Know About Trash Bear Trash Bear is a quest-giving character in Stardew Valley that can help clean up the town. Here's all you need to know about this quirky bear. It's not hard to meet all the requirements for Giant Crops to grow, but it does...
Stardew Valley: Every Special Order & What Their Rewards Are Special orders are unique fetch quests in Stardew Valley that have valuable rewards. Here, you can learn how to complete every order. These clothes can be made from the sewing machine, which sits in Emily and Haley's house. Un...
That’s all you need to know about how to catch a Sardine inStardew Valley. You will need this fish for making dishes and completing random quests via the Help Wanted board, so follow our tips to get it. While you are here, here’s a guide onhow to build a Coop. ...
and it’s one of the easiest fish inStardew Valley. The Chub can be caught inany season, at any time, in either the Mountain Lake or in the rivers, so you can catch it at your leisure without worrying. Finally, you can simply head down to the Beach duringStardew Valley's Winter sea...
Caring for animals is an essential part of cozy games likeStardew Valleyor Fae Farm. If you're trying to look after your animals in Fae Farm, you might have some difficulty; the Coop Ledger is notoriously tricky to find. Here's how you can get it and start registering animals in Fae ...
While Stardew Valley might be one of the most wholesome games on the market right now, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows when you start playing this game. There is a mining mechanic and the creatures that lurk in the deep caverns aren’t friendly at all. They will try to kill you ...
Stardew Valley creator Eric Barone invents new lore after the latest update starts killing chickens: "There is a wild coyote on the farm day 1 rn" See more latest ► See comments CATEGORIES PC Gaming Xbox One Platforms Xbox Most Popular Where is the Dragon Age Veilguard change app...
Chicken Coop Players that keep chickenson their farmneed to collect their eggs every time they’re spawned, but hoppers can make the egg harvesting process much easier. Make several hoppers and use them to create the floor of the coop and then place a chest underneath them. Now players won...
RELATED:Stardew Valley: The Best Weapons, Ranked Once you manage to find a , you can incubate it into a baby Dinosaur that will grow up to lay more. You can also create Dinosaur Mayonnaise from them, which is extremely valuable. Additionally, the Museum requires one as an artifact donation...
Related: Stardew Valley: Guide To Crab Pots In this guide, we are going to go over how to get every item that goes into your wallet. There is not a larger reward for having each item, but overall, having every item will improve your life in the valley. It's important to note that...