in hand. Hunters love bowhunting wild hogs because they’re abundant, elusive and always put up a good fight. And then, of course, there’s the meat. When properly butchered and processed (more on that below), feral hogs produce tasty sausages, pork chops, ribs and bacon. Ready to go...
The recipe here is for canned beans for expediency. However, you can substitute cooked dried beans. All you need to do is take 1-1/2 cups dried beans, soak them in water overnight, and cook in simmering water for approximately 1 hour until soft. Do not add salt to the cooking water....
Today’s podcast guest (Pioneering Today Podcast episode #331) is “Pork” Rhyne and I was fortunate enough to have met him at theHomesteader’s of America Conference. I couldn’t wait to get him on the podcast to discuss all things pigs! “Pork” Rhyne works as an international agricultu...
His 14-year career has brought him all over the country to cook in famed restaurants, but is now collaborating with Hotel Versailles’ very own farmer, Katie Bensman, to bring a high-caliber farm-to-table restaurant to small-town rural Ohio.
Hogs, whether wild or farm-raised, can supply a tremendous amount of meat. Knowing how to properly harvest a hog, dress it, and butcher it will keep your fridge stocked for months to come. With the right tools, you can learn to make the...