Oysters, abalone, sea urchins — Tasmania’s brisk waters produce some of the world’s best seafood with briny ingredients being reclaimed and reinvented on east Asian-inspired menus by Indigenous chefs.
For this you may be using a cheaper fish like gurnard, pollack or whiting so it’s likely to be more about other flavours in the dish, often tomatoey. Back to dry whites like picpoul again though rosé can work well too Are you cooking it on the barbecue? That immediately adds a leve...
There’s a lot of advice around about how to cook octopus, but most agree that for tender tentacles, it’s essential to boil or simmer it first. Some folks boil up a big batch and then freeze it (another step in the tenderising process, apparently) so all that’s required is thawing...
Luckily this room is air conditioned unlike the rest of the house, but I’m wondering what on earth to cook for dinner. Last time it got nearly this hot I made this, but I think I have a batch of Karen Martini’s amazing Syrian chicken in the freezer, so I think we’ll have ...
Top 3 Best Fish vs. Worst Fish to Eat: Thomas DeLauer Does haddock have worms? Cod wormscan infect various saltwater fish, especially cod, Pacific rockfish (also called Pacific red snapper), whiting, mackerel, haddock, herring and salmon. ... The reason is that the worms live in the int...
How will you know if a different fish will work in the recipe you're cooking? Ask your fishmonger. If you're fortunate enough to be near a fish market with a knowledgeable staff, the best thing you can do is let the sales person know how you plan to cook the fish and then let the...
Don’t “Cook” Yourself To Death… Protect Your Genes Against Overcooked Food It has long been known that heavily cooked foods inflict massive damage to the genes. A group at the University of Minnesota reported that women who ate overcooked hamburgers had a50%greater risk ofbreast cancerthan...
So, I ran some errands, and came back home to cook my burgers. A nonstick pan is really useful for this recipe. You can use a regular pan, but you’ll need more oil or butter, and your burgers might stick even then. Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a nonstick pan over medium hea...
It always tasted good, but I was curious what your thoughts were on this and whether you think it’s possible she could have picked up using beer while she was still in Japan (I know she learned other recipes and techniques while there, including how to cook rice, make sukiyaki, etc.)...
The second part of your question is about the chickens I cook and eat myself. When I cook at home, I only use poultry from a supplier calledFeather and Bonehere in Sydney, who I believe work very hard and honestly to source meat from places that raise and treat the animals as ‘ethic...