How should I cook my turkey? Mark Moriarty’s brined turkey crown with spiced sausage meat stuffing Gráinne O’Keefe’s stuffed turkey leg, honey roasted ham, gravy, miso roasted potatoes and fried sprouts with bacon and garlic Neven Maguire’s r...
Bacon's variety hinges largely on the specific cut of the pig. TheUnited States Department of Agriculturedefines bacon as a cured meat sourced from the belly of a 6-month-old swine carcass. This definition gives rise to the familiar streaky bacon, characterized by its alternating bands of pink...
We baked our bacon at 180C/350F for 20 mins until crispy, but not too crispy! Once baked, allow them to cool and then using a pot, cut circles out of the weave and leave to one side. Step 4: Step 2: Make Your Egg Mix Break the eggs into a large bowl and whisk thoroughly ...
We had to use streaky bacon but not too fatty. Nobody had sold a cold bacon sandwich in this country and I put on a lot of weight during that time!"Win's fact-finding missions have taken her to the USA and Japan among other countries and she has also worked with caterer to the ...