Cut the onion and garlic into small pieces with a knife. Beat the eggs with a fork. Add some salt and pepper. Add a little oil to the pan. Cook all the ingredients for about 3 minutes. 以上是洋葱煎蛋的步骤,请找出每一步骤的图片,并将图片对应的字母填入横线上。 选项...
How do you cook peas? Peas are cooked in the least possible amount of water and in just the time for them to become just tender. The French cook peas in the water it takes to moisten lettuce leaves. Line a saucepan with damp greens and a few pea pods, pour in the shelled peas, ...
4、放入米饭一起炒匀。这是可以加少量的米酒。In 4, fry rice. This is to add a small amount of rice wine.5、据自己的口味加入适量的盐、花椒面、葱花翻炒。In 5, according to their own tastes joined the amount of salt, pepper, chopped spring onions.6、关火、起锅、即可。In 6...
Step 3: Cut the spring onions Next up, cut the white portion of the scallion! Slice Back to the bulb! If need be, peel away the outer layer and slice the spring onion in half lengthwise. Place each half flat side down, grip the top portion, then thinly slice it, dragging the knife...
4. Add to a Soup for Creamy Flavor Image Another super-easy way how to cook cauliflower is to add it to a vegetable soup. Mix it with potatoes, carrots, onion, celery and any other vegetables you’d like in a large saucepan, along with vegetable or chicken broth, heavy...
If you are serious about the quality, add the flounder powder, dry shrimp powder, and spring onion (green onions). Here is my wonton recipe after rounds of testing, and it is very close to the wontons available at Ho Hung Kee. The filling of wonton can be either pork, shrimp, or ...
How to cook it:( )1. Get the onion and garlic ready.()2. Cut the onion and garlic into small pieces with a knife.( )3. Add a little oil to the pan. Heat(加热) the oil( )4. Cook all the vegetables for about 3 minutes.()5. Beat the eggs with a fork. Add some salt a...
When planting green onion seeds, they should be sown ¼ inch deep and one inch apart. They can be thinned to one to two inches as they mature but do not need to be. In fact, we recommend planting your green onions in clumps as young plants can be easily knocked over; growing in ...
How to cook Chinese food? There are various ways of cooking Chinese food. The different Chinese cooking methods can make the same ingredients have different tastes and flavors. Here ia an introduction about 20 frequently used Chinese cooking techniques. 1. Stir-Frying 炒 Stir-frying is one of ...
How to cook Ingredients: 1 2 1/2 - 3 pound fryer chicken 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon ginger juice 4 tablespoons oil 1 scallion (green onion, spring onion), chopped fine 4 ounces pork, shredded 1 tablespoon sherry 1 tablespoon light soy sauce ...