You’re basically makingMoringa milk(similar to how you’d make almond milk) to purify drinking water. Moringa seeds need to be fully ripe before you can use them. The seeds grow in pods that are up to a foot long. Inside the pod, you’ll find a row of round, brown seeds. You wi...
After par-boiling, the tripe is now ready to be cut. The shape or size depends on the dish you intend to cook. While there is no harm in cooking the tripe uncut,cuttingit after par-boiling shortens the cooking time considerably. It is also much more difficult to cut the tripe when it...
Add moringa leaves to soups or stews during the last 10 minutes of cooking. If you're making a flavorful soup, stir in about 1 cup (200 g) of moringa leaves toward the end of the cooking time. Stir frequently so the leaves cook in the soup and turn off the burner once the leaves ...