I don't know of any automatic translators that you can use. So, just start writing. None of use are going to spend all that time to do it for you, though it shouldn't be long since MATLAB is pretty similar to Java.
I'm having the same issue here: how should we rearrange our signals to create the 4D-array? The channels are our number of features? Or should we create a matrix of 2-by-10000-by-1-by-100, in which width is our signals' length and height is our number of features?
Thecircshiftfunction is used to align the impulse response correctly for each sample index. forpathIdx = 1:numPaths % Get the impulse response for the current path pathImpulseResponse = pathFilters(:, pathIdx); % Convolve the transmitted waveform with the path's impulse response ...
Open in MATLAB Online I've been reading that the Laplacian operator is the sum of two "second order derivatives", Ixx and Iyy. But I've also seen several places where the Laplacian kernel is listed as one of following: Because convolution is associative, I've been testing out creating...
I should be able to calculate the impulse response of the channel and convolve with the input signal, but I got different results from the timeresp function. 댓글 수: 0 댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오. 답변 (0개) ...
I am assuming you need to smooth (low pass) an image. These two functions are what you need to use:
by 2. Therefore the second filter stage only operates on every other sample. To combine the two filters into one you must upsample the second stage's coefficients and then convolve the result with the first stage's coefficients. From the example: stage ...
They both have to be gray scale images, not color. What does this say: whos a whos b Sign in to comment. Taimoor Zafar on 19 Feb 2015 Vote 0 Link H.jpg c.JPG I need to convolve two jpg images by using conv2 command but it's not working . Images are attached. I am new...
The difference betwwen Gabors and log-Gabors is small for low bandwidths but important: