What I need to do is set the state from the inside of the MaterialButton found on ln 68 so that ride shows the riding stateless widget, but obviously I can't change the state from inside startRide because it's a stateless widget. How would I go about doing this?import...
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<int> snapshot) { if (snapshot.hasData) { // data from the snapshot is accessed like so int price = snaphot.data['price'] return Container( // convert int to string child: Text(price.toString()), ); } else { // if there's no data...
In the web_dlr_manager.dart file, declare the JavaScript properties and functions to be called: @JS('Dynamsoft') library dynamsoft; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:js/js.dart'; import 'mrz_line.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; /// DocumentNormalizer class. ...
String csvData = ListToCsvConverter().convert(data); final String directory = (await getApplicationSupportDirectory()).path; final path = "$directory/csv-${DateTime.now()}.csv"; print(path); final File file = File(path); await file.writeAsString(csvData); ...