SASKiwi PROC Star Re: How install and get sasuniviewer to operate and convert a .xpt file into .csv Posted 04-10-2024 04:02 PM (2560 views) | In reply to hjcardello You can find the latest version of the Universal Viewer for download here: https:...
printf("%s.\n", mcl_log_util_convert_error_code_to_string(code)); }// If store initialization is successful, create a new event. if (MCL_OK == code) { printf("Creating new event: "); code = mcl_store_new_event(store, "1.0", "MindSphereStandardEvent", "1.0", MCL_EVENT_SEVERIT...
Re: How to create V5 xpt file in sas 9.4 Posted 09-22-2020 11:40 AM (3521 views) | In reply to sasikala @sasikala wrote: Hi Experts, How can we create the different version of XPT file in SAS 9.4 ?? I need the xpt V4,V5,V6,V7 and V8 file for testing . Thanks, Sasi.k...
Re: How to create V5 xpt file in sas 9.4 Posted 09-22-2020 11:40 AM (3481 views) | In reply to sasikala @sasikala wrote: Hi Experts, How can we create the different version of XPT file in SAS 9.4 ?? I need the xpt V4,V5,V6,V7 and V8 file for testing . Thanks, Sasi.k...