The following will explore in detail how RS485 Ethernet Converter adapts to the development trend of industrial Internet of Things.The RS485 Ethernet Converter converts the traditional serial communication interface into a network interface, enabling bidirectional transparent transmission between the serial ...
The RS232-TCP/IP software converter and allows to forward data from a physical or virtual COM port to an Ethernet network. Try for free TCP-to-COM software Advanced NMEA Data Logger The program captures NMEA data stream from GPS, navigation or any other NMEA compatible device directly into ...
Data transmitted across RS232 and Ethernet interfaces Position data from GPS sensors, and 3D orientation data from IMU (inertial measuring units) EtherCAT data found in countless industrial and process control environments ARINC 429 and MIL-STD-1553 bus data found in commercial and military aircraft ...
I will try to describe more the problem. Experiences spend on PI-2 mod.B There is a controller that has only RS-232, with fixed settings ID 16, 115200,8,N,1. There is such piece of iron - USR-TCP232-2 Works perfectly in mode...
I would like to: when I select a network adapter, as a result in the Label1.Text be: Wi-Fi or Ethernet.1. I tried something like the code below, but the result is "LoopBack". Why?2. Would it can like this, or perhaps to check (network adapter) through the registry ...)?
ISSUE 90, FIRST QUARTER 2015 SOLUTIONS FOR A PROGRAMMABLE WORLD 16nm UltraScale+ Devices Yield 2-5X Performance/Watt Advantage 60G Millimeter-Wave Backhaul Link Poised to Boost Cellular Capacity A Double-Barreled Way to Get the Most from Your Zynq SoC How to Port PetaLinux Onto Your Xilinx FPGA...
LibPlcTag is a library that I used recently to communicate with Allen Bradley plc. It’s a C++ open source library and it can communicate with most of the Allen Bradley plcs, like Micrologix, CompactLogix, ControlLogix, SLC and Plc5. LibPlcTag works on the Ethernet/Ip ...
A PC running Windows® XP integrates the systems using Ethernet with the G5 and uses point-to-point RS-232 links with the other devices. That same computer also provides a platform for the navigation, command, and vehicle management systems. An Edgeport eight-port USB-to-serial converter/...
Argument 1: cannot convert from 'Windows_Forms_Application.Form1' to 'System.Windows.Media.Visual' ASCII Control Characters in a TextBox Assign Background Image to DataGridView assign custom color to ForeColor of a disabled Button control Async change listview Async/Await To Update Windows Form ...
Unfortunately I could not use this library for my project anyway because it needs 3 bytes of RAM for each pixel (one byte for each R, G, and B value) in the string. It needs all that memory to get everything ready so that it can dump all the pixels as one giant, perfectly timed...