toIGES(.igs, .iges)ConvertVRML(.wrl) toJT(.jt)ConvertVRML(.wrl) toOBJ(.obj)ConvertVRML(.wrl) toParasolid(.x_t, .x_b)ConvertVRML(.wrl) toRhino(.3dm)ConvertVRML(.wrl) toSTEP(.stp, .step)ConvertVRML(.wrl) toSTL(.stl)ConvertVRML(.wrl) toU3D(.u3d)ConvertVRML(.wrl) toUSD(.usd...
How to view and convert CATPart files? Use CAD Exchanger software to read and write CATPart or enable your 3D CAD application to process it.
Using it, you can alsoconvert the IGS modelto other supported file formats. Open an IGS file, select it from the object browser, go to the File menu, and click on theExportoption. You can then select one of the supported output file formats to save the IGS model, STP, OBJ, PLY, DA...
3ds Max has become the go-to 3D modeling, animation, and rendering solution for many 3D professionals. However, opening and visualizing their native .max files can be challenging for those without access to the software. In this article, we will explore different approaches to open and visualize...
For example, Fusion 360 can convert IGES files to the following formats: .STP,.STEP- STEP 3D Model .STL- Stereolithography File .F3D- Fusion 360 Archive .3MF- 3D Manufacturing File .IPT- Inventor Part .IAM- Inventor Assembly .FBX- Autodesk FBX Interchange File ...
Another option is to use the trial version of CAD Exchanger. It can convert X_T toSTEP/STP,IGES/IGS, STL, SAT, BREP,XML, JT, OBJ, X_B, XMT_TXT, XMT_BIN, WRL, or X3D. Autodesk Inventor should be able to convert one toDWGthrough theEnvironment>AEC Exchange>Save as DWG Solidsmen...
The max file is allowed by 3ds max to be integrated into other formats that includes .stl, .sat, .igs, .ai, .fbx, .dwg and .dxf. The max files are enough configured to be converted into the latest version of 3ds max application. These files are classified as CAD or CAM and they...
How to convert an SLDASM file You can useDassault Systemes SolidWorksorAutodesk Fusion 360to convert SLDASM files to other formats. For example, SolidWorks can convert SLDASM files to the following formats (and many others): .SLDPRT- SolidWorks Part ...
This format has some limitations when it comes to representing complex geometry. OBJ is actually a polygonal format, so B-Rep is not supported as a class, neither for a simple cylinder nor for super-complex geometry. As a result, OBJ is not suitable when there is a need for B-Rep, and...
Hello. I want to know with which software I can convert the NWD format to a format of STL or other cad formats? thanks.