I'm looking for a way to convert an FBX file to USDZ directly within my iOS app. I'm aware of Reality Converter and the Python USDZ converter tool, but I haven't been able to find any documentation on how to do this directly within the app (assuming the user can upload their own ...
The animation fbx files are quite lightweight and use Asset.fbx as a reference. So far, I've only had luck in exporting the main model (using Apple's Reality Converter, or Unity's USD package for the export), but not the animations. When I try to convert the FBX animations to USDZ...
We might know a better way to accomplish your goal. 4. The Cesium version you're using, your operating system and browser. Gabby_Getz December 21, 2017, 4:14pm 2 If you can convert the file to Collada (.dae) or obj, then you can use the online converter. Thanks, Gabby...
Only when imported from an FBX is it correct and can be imported in Maya without problems.I need a way to convert Assim::aiScene to be exported in the FBX format, because Assimp only allows to export meshes to the same format as it is imported from.Also, I wanted to be able to mod...
How to convert GLTF files to OBJ, STL, PLY, 3DS, FBX, STP, ... If you want to convert or edit a GLTF file, you can use our free Online GLTF File Converter: To do so, click the "Choose your .gltf file to view" button above. After your file is opened in browser, click...
Why we need to convert GrabCAD Print can read and automatically convert from native CAD. However, if the file type is not supported by GCP, there are software packages that will export file types not currently supported by Grab CAD, such as FBX. These packages will typically be able to ex...
Convert fbx to obj files with command line script. Load obj at Unity runtime. One way to convert fbx/dae to obj is using Blender command line, so you should installed Blender (support platform: Linux, Mac, Windows). Create this python file: import bpy import sys for obj in bpy.data....
I followed the youtuber's direction to a T, or T pose, to convert fbx to obj and it failed. The tool is the Autodesk Fbx converter. (I didn't do anything he did in blender etc, just the conversion with the Autodesk tool. The error says conversion did not have enough parameters ...
'New file' option. Browse your computer's directories and locate the .fbx file you want to open. Then select it and click "Open". Once the import process is complete, the .obj file should be loaded into the software, allowing you to view and interact with the 3D model and associated ...
Even freelancers I've tried to contract out for this creative are asking for the same files that Dimension requires, like OBJ and FBX. So, I guess my ultimate question is, what is the process here? How do I get our Solidworks files into Dimension so I can create these videos? ...