How to Convert Car AC R12 to R134a The guide below is how you can convert your R12 to R134a in an older car. If you want to make a proper conversion, you will also need to replace all the O-rings, new accumulator, new filter and so on. But we’re talking about a $2000+ cost...
If your car's air conditioner isn't blowing cool air, then you've likely lost some of the refrigerant, usually due to a leak. You can recharge the system yourself with a charging kit and some refrigerant, as long as your car uses r134a...
All vehicles built after 1995 use R134a. If your vehicle is older than that, it likely used R12. You cannot refill R12 refrigerant on your own. If your vehicle uses R12, you should schedule an appointment with an auto repair specialist to convert it. 2 Check a thermometer for the ...