json_encode(value, flags, depth) where json_encode()returns astring, orfalseif the encoding is not successful. Examples 1. Convert given Associative array into JSON string In this example, we take an associative array and convert it into a JSON string usingjson_encode()function with the defau...
@interfaceOrderModel : JSONModel @Property(assign, nonatomic) int order_id; @Property(assign, nonatomic) float total_price; @Property(strong, nonatomic) NSArray< ProductModel >* products; @EnD @implementationOrderModel @EnD I want to convert from NSArray to json string. For example: [products...
To convert an array to a string in PHP you can use implode($separator, $array), json_encode($array) or serialize($array) functions. The implode() function allows you to concatenate array elements into a single string. To do this, pass an array, and a delimiter to the implode(); the...
1. jQuery Ajax Request Often times, you need to convert the JavaScript values into JSON before AJAX POST request. For example : $(document).ready(function() { $("#search-form").submit(function(event) { event.preventDefault();// arrayvarsearch = {} search["username"] = $("#username")...
Use the toString() Method to Convert Array to String in JavaScript Join the Elements of the Array Using .join() Method in JavaScript Use JSON.stringify() to Convert Array to String in JavaScript Use Type Coercing to Convert Array to String in JavaScript The arrays are the most common...
We can also convert an array to a string usingstringifyin the same way as in the above case. letjsArray = [“name”, “ben”, “food”, “salad”, “sport”, “football”] jsonObj =JSON.stringify(jsArray);console.log(jsonObj);console.log(typeofjsonObj);console.log(jsonObj[0]);...
JavaScript Convert Array to String Example const arr = ['JavaScript', 'Array', 'to', 'String']; const str = arr.toString(); console.log(str); // output: JavaScript,Array,to,String JavaScript Array to String Examples The following are examples of converting an array to a string in JavaS...
importjson# python convert json to stringmyJsonArray={"websites":["itsolutionstuff.com","hdtuto.com","nicesnippets.com"]}data=json.dumps(myJsonArray)print(data) Output: Read Also:How to Parse JSON Array in Python? {"websites": ["itsolutionstuff.com", "hdtuto.com", "nicesnippets.com...
Convert PHP to Javascript Array Using the PHPimplodeMethod <?phpfunctiongenerateJavascriptString($s){return'"'.addcslashes($s,"\0..\37\"\\").'"';}functiongenerateJson($array){$temp=array_map('generateJavascriptString',$array);return'['.implode(',',$temp).']';}var_dump(generateJson(...
//Convert the array into a string var str = testArray.toString(); //Log the string to the console. console.log(str); //Result is "1,2,3" In the JavaScript example above, we created a simple array. After that, we then converted this array into a string by using thetoString()metho...