To control the circuit and trigger the Arduino to start, I use a simple push button on the breadboard. The switch is held in a high state by a 1000 ohm resister and connected to pin 7 on the Arduino. The push button connects pin 7 to low and starts the timing of the solenoid valve...
a magnetic field is created. The inner shaft of a solenoid is a piston like cylinder made of iron or steel, called theplungerorslug(equivalent to anarmature). The magnetic field then applies a force to this plunger, either attracting
And by interfacing it with a Solenoid Valve and/or Water Turbine Generator we can build a smart water control system. DFRobot Gravity – First Test Although an Arduino is a quick solution for testing the water pressure sensor, I decided to build up a small module based on cheap analog ...
The plan is to use a standard electric sprinkler valve two garden hose adapters a relay and old 12v power supply to control the flow of water from and old linux computer. This will allow the fine tuning of watering time using cronjobs. Step 2: The Parts... You will need the following....