Our skin color is determined by a pigment called melanin, and while everyone has melanin (both fair and dark-skinned people), it comes in different forms and ratios. The two forms of melanin are calledeumelanin and pheomelanin. Eumelanin comes in primarily brown and black hues, while pheomela...
Once you've determined what kind of pimples are affecting your complexion, you can start to take action. These 10 tips should help you figure out what helps to get rid of your acne quickly (and hopefully prevent future breakouts). We're also sharing some of thebest skincare productsto get...
Vitamin C is great for treating acne scars as it is responsible for our skin’s elasticity, collagen synthesis, and it prevents excess melanin production. Try to look for vitamin c in the form of l-ascorbic acid, or ascorbic acid. It's best for discoloration and the most studied form ...
Melanin also performs another vital function: It protects the skin against harmful UV rays. Sun exposure, in fact, stimulates melanin production, but if your skin is dark to begin with, you are less likely to burn quickly -- that doesn't mean you won't burn at all, though, so brown-s...
BLM practices multi-use land management, balancing environmental protections, people and profit—although they probably would not endorse the shorthand. However, it explains why they manage “outdoor recreation, livestock grazing, mineral development, and energy production on public lands” alongside conse...
Let's Talk About Acne Simply the Best Retinol Serums I’ve Ever Tested PSA: These Acne Body Washes *Actually* Work *This* Is How I Have Smooth Skin Post-Acne Scars Your Acne Hates to See These Face Masks Coming
The hair on our heads grows a healthy .5 inch per month, and long scalp hairs have an average life of 3 to 5 years. Most of us have between 100,000 and 150,000 hairs on our heads! There are two kinds of melanin found in the hair: eumelanin (the most common and responsible for...
People with vitiligo are found to have low serum levels of zinc,(14)a micronutrient essential for boosting cell repair, immune system function, and the prevention of cancer. Moreover, optimum zinc levels in the body help in the production of melanin in the skin. It is therefore essential to...
Skin tone and color can change naturally over time. There are however factors such as sun damage that can greatly accelerate those changes. UV from the sun will naturally make your skin darken. The action of UV from sunlight reaching our skin triggers the production of melanin, which is our...
When your skin is damaged or irritated, it can stimulate melanin production, and as it heals, it creates darker areas on your skin. The most common example of this is dark areas that linger after acne has healed. Luckily, PIH is usually temporary and will clear up on its own. Suppose ...