Every time the yeast became active - detected by the most obvious burping and farting of fermentation gasses from the upper intestine (burping) or lower intestine (farting) - our sugar would go up. And then when the burping and farting stopped, the sugar would go down. It could not have...
Much like zen masters can control their minds, an elite group of dudes can control a bodily function that’s just as powerful: their farts. No, we're not talking about holding them in. We're talking about farting on command, an impressive feat that rivals that of raising one eyebrow an...
One of the many wonderful things about orgasms is that there are so many ways to have them—including, yes, your very own butt. That’s right. Colloquially known as an assgasm, an anal orgasm is absolutely a real thing. “Simply put, an anal orgasm is an orgasm that occurs when st...
These extra gases in the gastrointestinal system can cause all sorts of problems and discomfort, from tummy bloating and intestinal cramps and spasms, to diarrhea when pressure from flatus gas interferes with water absorption in the colon, and of course lots of farting. ...
Another possible dietary cause ishigh-fiber foods, like bran and legumes, as well as certain fruits and vegetables, says Dr. Oxentenko. These can cause gas and bloating, she says, “and may rev up gut transit, leading to strong urges during running.” Another possible culprit is snacks or...
Natural Ways to Promote Healing of an Anal Fissure What follows are natural ways to prevent and heal a chronic anal fissure: 1. Avoid regular use of soap on your anus As explained in my article onwhy you shouldn't regularly use soap on your private parts, it's best to wash your anus...
Are the rodents dead, or did they get wise to my tricks? When people evaluate rodent control scientifically, they take steps to measure rodent activity, not just bait consumption. They do this by setting out non-poisoned bait and weighing its consumption, counting droppings in high-traffic area...
The truth is that we now simply find things like grabbing meat with your hands, or chewing with your mouth open, or farting at the table,distasteful. Such behaviorsfeelgross to you and look gross to other people. And the question again is why. Why do we find certain things gross that ...
SAArsine(toxic gas) SASperm Analysis SAStrong Ale SASituational Awareness SASeparation Anxiety(psychology) SASpark Arrestor SAService Advisor SAScout Association SAService Assurance SASociedade Anônima(Corporation; Brazil) SAStandardised Approach SASupply Air(HVAC) ...
farting, passing wind/gas, flatus屁 排气叫“passing wind/gas”,学名是“flatulence”。正常的排气人人都有,不是坏事,但病人如果抱怨“放屁多”的同时还有以下症状,则需要重视: bloating(腹胀,病人主诉:a feeling of fullness or pressure in the abdomen) ...